Our history dates back to 1878 when »Hammermühle«, a factory for forged tools like hammers, pliers and screwdrivers, was founded. In 1950 the company moved to Neustadt (Hesse) and was renamed as Felo. Driven by innovative power, quality consciousness and enthusiasm the company became one of the leading screwdriver manufacturers in the world.
Felo is traditionally strong in exports. Almost 100 years ago we began using multi-language catalogues. Early on we adapted our assortment and marketing to very different markets and requirements. Now Felo is a global player and specialist, exporting to more than 40 countries in the world.

Our quest for a better tool has always been the driving force behind Felo and has made innovation a constant feature of our product range. Trend setting ideas like 2-component handles for screwdrivers, Titanium coated bits and exchangeable blade screwdrivers for electricians, all originated from Felo ideas. 260 applications for industrial property rights document our innovative power!
More than 2000 different stocked Felo items are the daily disposal of our customers. On top of this we manufacture the same number of products in customized versions, as special tools and under private brand. Our customers will always find the right solution to their needs at Felo.

1 Mission keeps us together – we want to inspire our customers. Felo is a leader in innovation and quality and we want to stay in the lead, supplying our customers the best quality tools with the most advanced features. This will remain our challenge and outlook.